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A member registered 87 days ago

Recent community posts

You're doing a great job, I believe in you!

Could be an idea for the next character. Let's just see how much they will add to the game!

I love it so far!

Very exciting!

I came for the porn, but stayed for the wholesome stories between those critters. I really love this game and I hope it will succeed!

(2 edits)

Very nice game. I'd love to see more content in the future!

Although the collisions and physics are pretty silly. I really love the idea with the chute you can only use when your balls are big enough.

Would be nice to see more ideas around having big and heavy balls in order to get somewhere. Maybe a large Button on the ground that can only be pressed when the balls are big and heavy enough. 

You could also use enough full condoms to trigger something if you fill a container with them.

I also just LOVE that Bunny character model!

Keep up the good work.

(1 edit)

I have bought a game on recently which wasn't available on Steam in Germany, but they provided a Steam key and it worked!

Do you think it's possible for this game too in the future?